Small Groups
We believe God intended life to be lived in community. While our worship services are great for worship and hearing the Word of God, small groups is where a life of faith is lived out. It’s where we build close relationships, bear one another’s burdens, and wrestle with our fears, doubts and what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives. If you’d like a current list of groups, want to visit a group or have any other questions, call Pastor Heidi at (215)-659-5207 or email pastorheidihankel@gmail.com

Children’s Ministry
Jesus said "Let the little children come to me." One of Crossroads Fellowship’s primary goals is to lead children to Jesus. Children’s Church is a fun, up-beat gathering that includes music, games and a bible lesson. It’s for kids 3 years old through 5th grade and takes place at 9 AM during our Sunday morning worship service.

Youth Ministry
We believe our youth are not just the church of tomorrow but the church of today! Our youth group is for middle school and high school students (6th - 12th grades) and meets every other Sunday from 4pm to 5 PM. If you or your youth want to be more involved or have any other questions, please contact Pastor Heidi at (215)-659-5207 or email pastorheidihankel@gmail.com

Crossroads Fellowship Church has developed a wonderful partnerships with Whosoever Gospel Mission in Philadelphia. Every year we send a team to the Mission to serve and fellowship with our brothers. In between our missions trips, our members collect and provide hygiene kits and supplies so they can go to school, pray for one another, and do other things to support one another. If you are interested in going on this year’s missions trip or want to be more involved in missions, please contact Kathy Lavelle at (215)-659-5207 or email reformedchwg@gmail.com

Reformed Church Nursery School
Our Nursery School educates students form 3-5 years old from September through June. It was established to serve the community by providing a preschool education founded on Christian principles. Young children are nurtured emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually. We take pride in our warm, loving, and structured atmosphere. We welcome children from all backgrounds and cultures. For more information or to register your child call (215) 657-1699 or email rcnurseryschool@gmail.com.